Technical and Practical Arts and CraftsARTES MECHANICAE - WIKIPEDIA

Aeolipile (Est. ca 20 BCE)
The Aeolipile was the first known working steam engine. It was invented by the Greek Engeneer Heron of Alexandria and first published by the Roman Architect Vitruvius around 20 years before christ was born.
Christmas FunFact: Jesus Christ grew up in an ancient high-tech empire close to one of the largest collection of international knowledge on the whole planet :)
Hightech in der Antike
( Hightech in Antiquity, German TV-Documentary )Hightech in der Antike - Erfindungen zwischen Tiber und Tigris
( Hightech in the Ancient World - Inventions between Tiber and Tigris )
EN: German TV-Documentary (ZDF info) about advanced technologies
in ancient civilizations (Greece, Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia).
DE: Deutsche TV-Doku (ZDF info) über fortschrittliche Technologie
in antiken Zivilisationen (Griechenland, Rom, Ägypten, Mesopotamien).
The Great Library of Alexandria
( British TV-Documentary )British TV Documentary about the Great Library of Alexandria (English),
the biggest Collection of International Knowledge in the Orient & Europe
in Antiquity.
Heron of Alexandria
( American TV-Documentary )American Documentary (English) about Heron of Alexandria,
the most famous Greek Engeneer of his time
and Inventor of the first Steam Engine.
Mechanik des Nahen Ostens
( Mechanics of the Near East - German TV-Documentary )German Doc. about Science & Technology of the Medieval Islamic World.
With the decline of the western roman empire the knowledge of the ancient world disappeared for many centuries from the surface of medieval western europe. Only the church and some secret societies (mostly ruled by aristocrats)
had access to the old "forbidden" knowledge of pagan antiquity
and used it for their own benefit.
In the oriental world scientists and engeneers saved and translated the old books and developed the most advanced machines, mathematics and medicine
of the middle ages.
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