Easy Travelling

Actually I'm a poorDigital Nomad.

I do Street Photograpy, Travel Photography & Travel Blogging.

In Summer 2021I left Germany for different reasons

Totravel around Europe,

Searching forFree Knowledge,Free Stuff

And Cheap Accommodations.

As a Citizen of Germany I can travel the EU without Visa

And in some Neighbour-States of the Union

( Like Bosnia, Serbia, Ukraine, Turkey, Georgia, etc. )

I can travel Visa-Free for a few months.

Currently I'm testing the Slow Living Concept

For the Travelling- and Nomadic Lifestyle:

Camping, Cheap Hotels, Cheap Appartements, etc.

On this Site I publishmy Photos

And what I find out

On my Journeys

And with my Recherches

In Articles, Books, Videos and the Web.

And ....

Since I left Germany, I live off my Savings.

( Actually I don't take away any money from german tax-payers )

So ....

If You Like My Content

( Or if you just want to keep me out of Germany )

>>>> Please Support Me <<<<

I'm Thankful For Every Cent (!)

Thank You All !