About this Project
This Project is....
Constantly Evolving.
I do Recherches, make Photos, etc.
If you come back in a few days,
You may find some changes ....
Actually it's ....
A Combination of a Retro-Style Homepage
(With some Nice Free Collections)
And a Street-Style Travel Blog.
It's aboutTravelling on a Budget
And Mobile Living on a Budget.
My Photos combineStreet Photograpy andTravel Photography.
Therefore It's More Realistic & Less Glamouros than other Travel Blogs.
It's also about Universal Artsand Creating a Free Culture:
Free Knowledge, Free Stuff, Easy Coins, etc.
Because that's what Poor People (like me)
Need to Survive the Actual Crisis.
Alternative Search Engines
Actually my Project is hard to find on Google.Therefore I made aList of Alternative Search Engines
Where This Site and My Profiles are much easier to find :
>>>> Free Google-Alternatives (+ more privacy) <<<<
And ....
Since I left Germany, I live off my Savings.
>>>> Details about my Situation <<<<Thus ....