The Library of Alexandria
A short history of thebig ancient library ofAlexandria
and why it's important to save public knowledge.
Video made by theTED ED - Channelon youtube.
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The First Steam Engine

Aeolipile (Est. ca 20 BCE)
TheAeolipilewas the first known working steam engine. It was invented by the Greek EngeneerHeron of Alexandria and first published by the Roman Architect Vitruviusaround 20 years before christ was born.
Christmas FunFact: Jesus Christ grew up in anancient high-tech empire close to one of the largestcollection of international knowledgeon the whole planet :)
Create your own Steam Engines
Selfmade Steam-Car by Professor Pardal
More cool Inventions:On the Channel >>>>
Stirling Engine - Basic Functionality
The Basic Function of a Stirling Engine explained by Michael S.
Another Short Exlpanation:On the Channel >>>>
Create Your Own Stirling Engine
Homemade Stirling Engine explained by Armand and Victor (French)
Lots of other Cool Experiments:On the Channel >>>>
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